In preparation for migrating legacy Public Folders to Exchange 2016, I needed to remove a large number of SMTP proxy addresses that that used the “@local” domain, created by an old email address policy.
Many scripts exist for this purpose, should you only need to update mailboxes, however I was unable to find anything that targeted Public Folders.
The below script is a derivative of Ali Tajran’s mailbox script, which can be found here.
# Script published at # Remove "-WhatIf" from line 18 when you are happy with your changes. # Output will be added to C:\temp folder. Open the Remove-SMTP-Address.log with a text editor. Start-Transcript -Path C:\temp\Remove-SMTP-Address.log -Append # Get all Public Folders $PFs = Get-MailPublicFolder -ResultSize Unlimited # Loop through each Public Folder foreach ($PF in $PFs) { # Change to the domain that you want to remove $PF.EmailAddresses | Where-Object { $_.AddressString -like "*" } | ForEach-Object { # Remove the -WhatIf parameter after you tested and are sure to remove the secondary email addresses Set-MailPublicFolder $PF.Identity -EmailAddresses @{remove = $_ } -WhatIf # Write output Write-Host "Removing $_ from $PF Public Folder" -ForegroundColor Green } } Stop-Transcript
can you make this works for mail enabled distribution groups?